Friday, October 18, 2013

Best of August: part 4

While Atticus is at school, we play!

We have to take advantage of these last days of summer before Emerson starts school.

Justin broke this boogie board with his arm.
 I don't know who won.

First Day of 6th Grade.  I can't believe Emerson is in middle school.  She decided she wanted to go to the big middle school instead of staying at her current school she has been in since kindergarten.  In her own words she said:  "I think it's time for other people to experience my awesomeness."

I think it's pretty brave of her to leave her currant school where she is comfortable, has lots of friends and has known everybody since kindergarten then want to attend a school that is not only way bigger than what she is used to but go to a school where she didn't know anyone.  She's pretty amazing!

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